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Our Faculty

Kimberly Bell, BA, MA
School of Education, Psychology, & Humanities
Adjunct Faculty
BA, Converse College: MA, Furman University Fellow/OGA

Elizabeth Belliveau, MSW, LICSW
School of Health & Natural Sciences
Assistant Clinical Coordinator and Advisor
BA, College of the Holy Cross; MSW, Boston College
John Benitez, MA
The American Women's College
BS, Texas State University; MA, Arizona State University

Occupational Therapy Bridge, Occupational Therapy: Full-Time On-Campus, Occupational Therapy: Part-Time Hybrid, Pre-Occupational Therapy Studies
Tracy L. Bentley-Root, OT, DHSc, MS, OTR/L
School of Health & Natural Sciences
Interim Program Director, Master of Occupational Therapy Programs; Associate Professor
BS/MS, D’Youville College; DHSc, University of Indianapolis

Peter Berardi, MBA
School of Management & Technology
Adjunct Professor
MBA New Hampshire College; BS Accounting, Hunter College

Janice Berliner, MS, CGC
School of Health & Natural Sciences
Program Director, MS in Genetic Counseling; Assistant Professor, Genetic Counseling
BS, Rutgers - The State University of New Jersey; MS, University of Michigan

Lori Bernardi, OTD, MOT, OTR/L
School of Health & Natural Sciences
AS, Bay Path University; MOT, Bay Path University; OTD, Bay Path University

Clinical Mental Health Counseling, Developmental Psychology, Health & Human Services, Pre-Occupational Therapy Studies
Kayla Berthiaume, OTD, OTR/L
School of Health & Natural Sciences
Adjunct Professor, Health & Human Services
BS, Springfield College; MOT, Bay Path University; OTD, Bay Path University