Contact Info

Maura Devlin, PhD
Dean, Institutional Effectiveness and Accreditation; Project Coordinator, Title III Federal Grant; Project Team Member, FIPSE-IREPO Federal Grant & Prior Learning Assessment (PLA) Coordinator
Bay Path University offers several programs leading to professional licensure within the State of Massachusetts. Professional licensure and certification requirements and functions vary from state to state. Some states require an individual to graduate from an approved program while other states require an individual to meet [the] certification requirements of a national organization. A specific type and amount of training can also be required, and/or passage of an exam based on a state requisite exam score. Often, licensed professionals must complete continuing education on an annual basis to remain in good standing for their professional license.
Bay Path University is a member of the National Council for State Authorization Reciprocity Agreement (NC-SARA), which allows member institutions to provide distance learning programs (both online and in the form of supervised field experiences) and coursework to residents of states other than Massachusetts. NC-SARA membership, however, does not grant reciprocity or exempt Bay Path University from state professional licensing requirements. Licensing requirements in Massachusetts may not be recognized as sufficient to obtain a license in any other state. Bay Path University’s membership with NC-SARA requires the University to provide information to help you be informed about professional licensure.
Completion of an academic degree program at Bay Path University does not guarantee employment or licensure in a field or profession. If you plan to pursue professional licensure outside of Massachusetts, be aware that state licensure requirements are subject to change. While a program may originally meet the educational requirements for licensure, changes made by a state licensing agency could affect the program’s ability to meet any new requirements. It is the responsibility of the student completing the licensure program to refer to the licensing board(s) in their state of residence or in the state in which they intend to obtain a license, for the most recent information and requirements. Please contact Claire Jenson, Senior Director of Institutional Effectiveness and Accreditation, at with any questions.
Additionally, you should note that some state laws require a criminal background check, the results of which may disqualify an individual from obtaining licensure. Field experience sites also generally require background checks before accepting students for field work, a practicum, or internship opportunity. It is your responsibility to determine if your own background checks may pose any barriers. Bay Path University shall not be held liable if the student is unable to qualify for licensure or certification in any jurisdiction or cannot obtain a practicum/internship location.
Because licensing requirements vary, relocating to another state during the course of a program could impact whether or not you meet that state’s requirements. If you are considering a move to another state, please contact the appropriate licensing agency for professional licensure eligibility requirements.
Click on the link to the program below to view more information specific to that program’s licensure, including whether the program does meet licensure in all states, the program does not meet the requirements for licensure in all states or a determination cannot be made as to whether the program leads to licensure in all states. Note: states include the District of Columbia and the US protectorates. Program Chairs are happy to work with you to discuss professional licensure requirements.