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Some of the best classrooms don't have walls.
At Bay Path, we believe there is no separation between one's life and one's learning, so we make sure that every traditional undergraduate student has internship or field work experience as a prerequisite for graduation. Bay Path students work one-on-one with advisors and faculty to secure placements where they can both contribute and learn. By the time our students graduate, they've not only had 4 years of exceptional education, they've already been working.
Recent Internship Sites:
Design Resource Center, N.E.
David Decker, CPA
United Technologies
Center for Human Development
Pittsfield Police Department
Micro Test Labs
Walter Reed Army Medical Hospital
Reichelt & Company
Connecticut Department of Corrections
MassMutual Center
Community Partners in Action
Hampden County Pre-Release Center
UMASS Mouse Phenotyping Center, UMASS Memorial Medical Center
Victoria Becker, Criminal Justice major, Class of 2016
Internship at the Connecticut Department of Corrections
Victoria described her internship as a "once in a lifetime experience." She had the opportunity to experience three different settings: the central office, parole and a correctional facility. During her work in the parole office, Victoria witnessed first-hand the challenges people face when re-entering the community. Part of her role was to ensure proper living conditions and provide people with clothing and food vouchers when their basic needs where not met. Victoria also worked with the job center which provides an ongoing two week program for inmates preparing to be released from prison. The Center provides resume assistance, interview tips and job search techniques.