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Heeding the Words of Martin Luther King, Jr.

“The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.” - Martin Luther King, Jr.

On Monday, January 16, we will observe the Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday. It marks the celebration of the life and, more importantly, the legacy of one of America’s greatest practitioners of nonviolence and social justice. 

The King Center, based in Atlanta, Georgia, is a universally-recognized organization dedicated to preserving and providing educational programs to foster Dr. King’s philosophy. Each year, they select a theme that will serve as a compass to promote his work. For 2023, the theme is:  “It Starts with Me:  Cultivating a Beloved Community Mindset to Transform Unjust Systems.” 

At its essence, Dr. King believed that the Beloved Community was “where injustice ceases and love prevails.”  It is built upon his Six Principles of Nonviolence, steps for social and interpersonal change that include information gathering, education, personal commitment, negotiation, direct actions, and reconciliation.

In our community’s efforts with diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging, as well as Core Values, we are in a sense building a Beloved Community. We are all striving to change our individual mindsets within our university community to create a welcoming place where we can all flourish. As we work to that end, I am pleased to announce that an anti-racism task force will be created and co-chaired by Ashley Pereira, Interim Director of Human Resources, and Dinah Moore, Dean of Students and Engagement. Ultimately, we are all looking at creating a better world where love and understanding prevail.

I ask you to reconnect with Dr. King and his philosophy of Beloved Community and Six Principles of Nonviolence by clicking on this link. In recognition of this great man, we will be holding a Week of Service beginning Monday, January 16. In February, several events will be held in honor of Black History Month. Please stay tuned for details!

And to paraphrase this year’s theme from the King Center, which is a fitting reminder to reflect on our own words and actions not just for one day but for the whole year:  It starts with all of us.

Looking forward to 2023 with great optimism!

Sandra J. Doran, J.D.