Bay Path University included on’s list of Best Colleges in Massachusetts

Bay Path University is one of the 49 colleges included on’s list of Best Colleges in Massachusetts 2021. The website, which gathers and analyzes data to help students plan their educational journeys, looked at 199 education programs, ranging from large research universities to small liberal arts colleges, as well as online and in-classroom learning options; analyzing curriculum quality, graduation rate, reputation, and post-graduate employment, along with flexibility, faculty, course strength and cost.
The 2021 rankings were calculated through a unique scoring system that also included student engagement, potential return on investment, and leading third-party evaluations.
“Massachusetts is home to some of the most prestigious institutions in the country, if not the world, so being included on this list puts us in good company,” says Maura Devlin, Associate Vice President and Dean, Undergraduate Studies. “A Bay Path education has the potential to transform students’ lives, and our students’ social mobility is a key element of our mission. This recognition is a testament to the ongoing efforts of our staff and faculty, as well as the drive and determination of our students.” also named Bay Path as the Best Small College for Criminal Justice.
Visit to view the entire list.
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About Bay Path University
Bay Path University was founded in 1897. With locations in Longmeadow (main), East Longmeadow (Philip H. Ryan Health Science Center), Springfield (MA), Sturbridge (MA), and Concord (MA), Bay Path’s innovative program offerings include traditional undergraduate degrees for women, The American Women's College on-ground and online, the first all-women, all-online accredited bachelor’s degree programs in the country; over 30 graduate programs for women and men, including doctoral degrees; and Strategic Alliances, offering professional development courses for individuals and organizations. Bay Path’s goal is to give students confidence in the fundamentals of their chosen field, the curiosity to question the ordinary, the leadership to show initiative, and the desire to make a difference.