Cheryl Boucakis, OTD, MOT, OTR/L

Dr. Boucakis achieved her OTD through Thomas Jefferson University with a focus on innovative practices for older adults. Her Capstone focused on implementing a fall prevention program to help reduce re-admittance and increase the quality of life of older adults within her community. To remain current in practice and continually aware of the ever-changing world of healthcare, she continues to volunteer with the Alzheimer’s Association helping support families of those with dementia. As an instructor, Dr. Boucakis strives to combine evidence-based practice and real-world experiences with the client-centered and occupational focus of occupational therapy.
Certified Dementia Capable Care Instructor through Crisis Prevention Institute
Bringing advanced dementia training to the Bay Path Community
CarFit Technician
Working with the greater Bay Path community to promote older adult driver safety
Volunteer for the Alzheimer’s Association 2019 to present
Trained as a family support volunteer and support group facilitator, presenting educational sessions to improve social awareness of dementia and the extended dementia community.
Item writer for AOTA’s Occupational Therapy Advanced Certification Commission, Board Certification of Gerontology Exam 2022 to present
Working with fellow experts in geriatric occupational therapy to develop and review the board certification exam in gerontology
Presenter at National AOTA Conference
- April 22, 2023. Online Orientation for Incoming MOT Students: Impact on Anxiety & Preparedness.
- April 2, 2022: Interdisciplinary Health Equity Outreach for a Community of Color.
- March 28, 2020. Canceled secondary to Covid-19. Redesign: Transitioning Onsite MOT Courses to a Hybrid Platform.
- March 26, 2020. Canceled secondary to Covid-19. Meeting a Need: Innovative, Community-based Level I Fieldwork Experiences.
Publication in Physical & Occupational Therapy in Geriatrics, 2014
Kuczynski (Boucakis), C. & Piersol, C. V. (2014). Effectiveness and acceptability within a skilled nursing facility setting. Physical & Occupational Therapy in Geriatrics, 32:2, 152-168.
Please visit the Master of Occupational Therapy program page to learn about curriculum, faculty, program options, and more!
Please visit the Master of Occupational Therapy Bridge program page to learn about the curriculum, faculty, program options, and more!