Brian Blancke, PhD

Dr. Brian Blancke is a senior consultant and trainer in negotiation, difficult conversations and influence for Vantage Partners, a business management consulting firm, and has, in this capacity, worked with a number of Fortune 500 companies, including Deloitte, IBM and GE. Dr. Blancke has over twenty-five years of experience in the field of conflict analysis and resolution as a mediator, trainer and researcher.
Dr. Blancke published book chapters on the Third Side (a framework for conflict intervention developed by Bill Ury, co-author of Getting to Yes) through PON books and Jossey-Bass.
Dr. Blancke holds a PhD in Social Science, a Certificate of Advanced Study in Conflict Resolution, and a MA in International Relations from Syracuse University’s Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs.
Besides Bay Path University, Dr. Blancke has taught at Creighton University in the Negotiation and Conflict resolution online graduate program.
Please visit the MS in Organizational Leadership & Negotiation program page to learn about curriculum, faculty, program options, and more!